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4 - The foundations of a balanced diet

Diet is one of the main sources of treatment for acne.

Don't expect your hormones to produce, function and communicate properly if you eat just about anything!

In the section "Revitalize the body", you will find nutritional sources that will fill the gaps and help mainly the hormones.

But let's see here, a reminder of a balanced diet that allows a harmonious synthesis of your hormones:

  • Reduce calories and increase nutrient rich foods with: organic foods, lots of plants, vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole foods, grains and sprouted seeds.
  • Reduce or eliminate industrial and processed products.
  • Balance the fatty acids: enough omega 3 of plant origin (colza, flax, camelina, walnut oil...) and animal origin (fatty fish, organic eggs). Not too many vegetable omega 6 (sunflower oil, corn, soy, grape seed, sesame,...) and especially animal (meat fat, industrial eggs, chicken skin,...). Avoid trans fatty acids (cakes, overheated oils, industrial margarine, cookies, puff pastry,...). Reduce saturated fatty acids (animal fats, palm oil,...).
  • Balance your glycemia by choosing unrefined whole grains, in quantities adapted to physical activity (about 25% of the plate). Consume mainly low glycemic index foods. Use cinnamon, green tea, cider vinegar and lemon to help balance blood sugar.
  • Eat slowly and exercise.

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