4 - The acid-base balance

Our modern diet is not only very rich in sugars, but also in acidifying foods such as red meat, dairy products, salt, coffee,... and on the contrary very poor in alkalizing foods such as vegetables, fruits, most oleaginous fruits and seeds.

However, the acidification of the body creates a favorable ground for inflammation and therefore for hormonal acne.

Eating a diet that includes enough alkaline foods and not too many acidifying foods is essential to fight inflammation​.

Acidifying foods are:

  • all meats, fish and shellfish
  • eggs
  • dairy products
  • refined grains and grain-based products
  • refined oils
  • coffee, tea, alcohol
  • salt

Alkalizing foods are:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables
  • sprouted seeds
  • herbs and spices
  • oilseeds (hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds,...)
  • seaweed

Acidic foods are not necessarily acidifying.

Some foods (like vinegar, lemon,...) are a little different because, even if they taste acidic, they are not acidifying.

On the contrary, during digestion, they are transformed into bases (bicarbonates) and contribute to restore the acid-base balance.