3 - Hear the signs of your body

As you can see, problem-free skin requires a personal investment.

  • Knowing yourself

There are no universal remedies and a lot of practice is required.

Record your reactions, learn from these tests as you take them, and measure your results against yourself.

You will probably want to share your experience, and you will find that the evolution of other people who also have their experiences experience them very differently.

Naturopathy is an individual path to health, a very personal evolution.

  • Learn to stand on your own two feet

By giving back to Caesar what is Caesar's, naturopathy restores to man his capacity to act on his health and this in a sustainable way: his capacity to adapt to new facts, to reform, if necessary, his lifestyle, to lighten up and to heal himself.

Naturopathy is a practice that frees you from :

  • The fear of being sick when one really understands, through experiences, that the illness reveals a dysfunction of the body that needs to be heard.
  • The "struggle" with symptoms, which should be monitored and mitigated rather than fought and tried to disappear.
  • The helplessness you feel when you have acne. There is always the vital ability to maintain to try to regain hormonal health!
  • Our expectations of conventional medicine, especially its vision of health, are evolving towards a preventive rather than curative approach.