The monodiet

A mono-diet practiced regularly cleanses the body gently, increases the vital potential and thus allows to stay in good shape.

What is a monodiet?

A monodiet consists of consuming only one organic food during a meal (for example in the evening) or for half a day or a full day, or even more if necessary, while remaining within the limit of about three days, in order to avoid major and unpleasant deficiency crises.

Once again, common sense and logic will guide you in choosing your rhythm, your feelings and your desires.

The quantity of food ingested must of course be correct to avoid frustration and cravings, but without excess.

During the monodiet, which does not require you to stop your professional activities, you will of course abstain from sugar, tobacco, alcohol in all its forms, as well as coffee or any other exciting drink.

What are the benefits of a monodiet for our health/vitality?

The objective of a monodiet is to purify the blood, that is to say to clean it, to allow it to circulate more freely, to better nourish our cells, but also to better rid them of their metabolic waste.

Indeed, by consuming sometimes too rich and abundant food or drinks, we contaminate our body, which causes the exhaustion of our cells.

Normally, our wastes are eliminated by our emunctory organs, as we have seen in the section "detox cure".

However, this mechanism can stall under the effects of stress, fatigue, and we find ourselves under-vitalized, exhausted, sick,...

If we give it enough time and strength, our body can regenerate and purify itself.

A regular and intelligent diet, easily applicable by each of us, helps and promotes this cleansing.

During this relatively short period of dietary restriction, the body must draw on its reserves, draining the metabolic waste products that are at the root of many of our common pathologies, such as acne and recurring complaints of fatigue.

These mono-diets, repeated over time, are safe and easy to follow, unlike some fasts that are too long, badly conducted and psychologically unacceptable.

Important principle of the monodiet:

During the monodiet, the more the food consumed is cooked, the more it is draining and less nutritious. Indeed, nutrients such as vitamins, enzymes, trace elements... are extracted from raw food.

Cooked foods have lost most of their nutrients. However, there are still fibers that facilitate, among other things, the intestinal transit and, therefore, a natural defecation. And the importance of the quality of our intestinal flora and our daily elimination in case of hormonal acne is known.

During this practice, our liver function (which guarantees our "form") is reduced to a minimum, thus allowing our liver to "purge" itself, to regenerate and to ensure the multiple functions for which it was conceived, notably at the immune and hormonal level.

Since no energy is needed for our digestive metabolism, we avoid "wasting" our vital force. We are better prepared for seasonal changes and, above all, for the organic changes they bring about, with their consequences on our form and our defense system.

Of course, thanks to this gentle cleansing, you will also avoid resuming bad eating habits!

Here are some foods for a single diet:

Logic dictates that the food consumed during this mono-diet should be organic, in order to avoid contaminating the body with pesticides, fungicides... and chemical additives.

Here are some examples of mono-diets perfectly adapted to preserve, acquire or increase your vital energy:

  • Baked apples or organic applesauce without sugar or honey. The apple monodiet is easy to make. It is pleasant to the taste, does not leave you feeling hungry and facilitates intestinal and liver drainage, which can be very useful to keep in shape when winter arrives.
  • Vegetable broth or vegetable soup without butter or fat (although you can add flavorings). This monodiet is used before each change of season or after a heavy meal. However, be careful to avoid cooked tomatoes, which acidify the body too much!
  • Basmati/semi-complete rice, millet, buckwheat, quinoa,... the classic monodiet. Brown rice irritates and attacks our intestinal membranes. This cereal monodiet is most often practiced in winter.
  • Grapes or seasonal fruits: here is a mono-diet that combines pleasure and detoxification. It is suitable for the great autumn cleansing. You should choose a very ripe grape with a very thin skin. The recommended grape variety is white. A raw fruit mono-diet is not recommended for recovery after a cooked mono-diet for example, because it can cause intestinal fermentation and bloating. The quantity can vary from 2 to 3 kg per day. Contra-indication: diabetes in general.

In these moments of digestive rest, it is advisable to help the emunctories to eliminate the overloads. Thus, it is advisable to drink water with low mineral content or unsweetened infusions.

I recommend the following plants for each emunctory:

  • kidneys: cherry stems, orthosiphon, birch, meadowsweet, white willow;
  • intestines and liver: rosemary, gentian, artichoke, black radish, dandelion, milk thistle
  • skin: burdock and wild pansy

Of course, each person will have to find his or her own rhythm, i.e. one evening a week or once a month, and maybe one day a week, or even more.

Pay attention to your perception and your well-being, analyze your skin, take into account your availability and your desires!