7 - The effects of the sun on the skin

Sun protection is essential for acne-prone skin.

The sun can be considered at first sight as an ameliorator of the pathology, but its harmful action will become apparent in the post-sun exposure period when the pathology will worsen.

People with acne appreciate the sun because they notice that the inflammatory nature of acne lesions decreases with exposure to the sun; the skin is drier and much less shiny.

However, we strongly advise against prolonged exposure to the sun without adequate protection. In fact, in the post-summer season, we find ourselves faced with a problem of rebound acne.

The harmful action of the sun's rays on the skin is due to the UVB rays that stop at the epidermis and cause a thickening of the horny layer, thus promoting sebum retention.

The sebum has difficulty in evacuating itself, and comedogenesis will then be highly activated.

In addition, sun exposure on inflammatory lesions can leave significant pigmentary sequelae.

It is therefore essential to use appropriate non-comedogenic sun protection with a factor of at least 50. Sunscreens should be applied at the time of exposure to the sun, and not at the beginning of the day after the morning wash. As for everyone else, the application should be repeated every two hours and/or after each swim. We also advise against the use of essential oils and acid-based products (AHA, BHA) the day before, the day of and the day after heavy sun exposure, as well as in case of sunburn.

In all cases, it is strongly advised not to expose yourself to the sun between 11am and 4pm.

Wearing a hat, getting into the shade and moisturizing are simple gestures that will save your skin.