Approach to the stabilization cure

The goal is to maintain the new healthy habits learned during the previous cures in order to keep your vitality level as high as possible.

It is not because you are doing a detox and revitalization cure that you can expect to live with bad habits without paying for them one day (even if it is clearly better than nothing!).

With the previous steps, you have:

  • Eliminated overloads and learned to limit the sources that promote them.
  • Fulfilled deficiencies and increased your vitality.
  • Reduced free radicals and increased your intake of anti-oxidants.
  • Your body is almost as good as new, so you should stay that way as much as possible.

This means:

  • Maintain new eating habits (healthy, balanced, varied, seasonal, lively, ...).
  • Continue with new lifestyle habits: harmonize your body and mind and stabilize the external effects on your interior, continue with physical activity, get quality sleep, take time to rest...
  • Support your adrenal glands regularly.

At this point, I will give you a few more indications to optimize your lifestyle.

Becoming gradually an actor of your health, it is also to know hazards that you must learn to face.

It means taking the time to get to know your body, its reactions and its personal changes over time.

It also means getting informed and continuing to train, in the face of your body's reactions.

Knowing that when it comes to acne, our habits have a considerable impact and that an unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, lack of rest, smoking and industrial cosmetics are among the main causes of the disease, it is urgent to take action.

If things don't change, or if the same behaviours keep recurring, it may be because you have decided not to make a serious commitment... 

Changing your habits is changing your life. It means making lasting progress towards better health.