1 - A few words about acne

Acne affects a large number of women today, as evidenced by social media.

It is easy to find videos on Youtube, articles on blogs, stories on Instagram (and so on), which testify to the considerable rate of women who struggle with this disease.

For a long time, allopathic answers have been given to this type of skin disease in most cases: cyproterone acetate (Androcur), isotretinoin (Roaccutane), the pill (Diane 35),...

And BINGO it works, but at what price!

In general, they cause undesirable effects, their effectiveness is often modest for women and the risk of recurrence is important and, sometimes, the effect is double.

These treatments represent a danger to our health.

What we need to understand about acne is that it is a multi-factorial disease and it is important to find the cause(s): poor diet, stress, hormonal disorders, inadequate cosmetics, among others.

Today, we must be able to offer women an alternative way to treat their acne, and this requires a more global treatment of the pathology.

I myself have been affected by this disease.

For many years I tried everything in my power and nothing worked.

The only options I had were allopathic treatments!

I still remember the terrible side effects (depression, hormonal disruption,...) and the creams that dried out my skin. 

I think it is important to talk about my personal story with you today, because it is by being aware of all the consequences that I suffered and that others suffer, that we can understand how difficult it is to live with this pathology, from a physical, physiological and especially psychological point of view.

I never gave up hope to fight this disease.

I studied to become a Naturopath because I wanted to find a natural solution.

I did a lot of research, tried everything naturopathy had to offer, and finally discovered how to get rid of my acne naturally and permanently, while respecting my values and my body.

And that's exactly what happened.

Hence the birth of this application.