Legal information

HIPPOCRATIC GENERATION is an online service that offers naturopathic content through an interface that allows each user to consult the information published on lifestyle and natural health.

Access to and use of the HIPPOCRATIC GENERATION online service are subject to the General Conditions.


Identification and publication

This online service is published by the company HIPPOCRATIC GENERATION, UNIPESSOAL LDA, with a capital of 10 000,00 €, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Lisbon under the number NIPC: 516643037, whose registered office is located at Rua Irmãos Roby, n° 208, 4700 226 Braga (Se). You can contact the company HIPPOCRATIC GENERATION, UNIPESSOAL LDA by mail:

The director of the publication is : Sandrine FERREIRA.


HIPPOCRATIC GENERATION applications are hosted by the company Goodbarber, 12 RUE DU GENERAL FIORELLA, 20000 AJACCIO, FRANCE.

Intellectual Property

All elements that appear on the applications developed by HIPPOCRATIC GENERATION are protected by PORTUGUESE legislation on copyright and trademark law, under the conditions defined in the "Intellectual Property" article of the Application's General Conditions.

Information Technology and Civil Liberties

Information on your personal data processing: To know and exercise your rights, in particular to withdraw your consent to the use of your data collected by HIPPOCRATIC GENERATION, consult our privacy policy.

Hypertext link

Any hypertext link allowing access to the HIPPOCRATIC GENERATION online service must be expressly authorized in advance by HIPPOCRATIC GENERATION, which reserves the right to remove this link at any time.


In its capacity as a host within the meaning of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, HIPPOCRATIC GENERATION is not required to exercise any control over the quality, security, truthfulness or accuracy of the information and content put online by the user. As such, the customer remains solely responsible for the statements made in HIPPOCRATIC GENERATION, as well as the images and other content that he/she may put online.

In the event of illicit content as defined in the General Terms and Conditions or manifestly illicit content within the meaning of the aforementioned law, you may notify HIPPOCRATIC GENERATION without delay at the following address:

HIPPOCRATIC GENERATION undertakes to act as quickly as possible to remove illegal content or to make access impossible as soon as it is communicated.

The applications developed by Hippocratic Generation do not provide medical appointments.

The information provided in the applications is intended to improve lifestyle and well-being, and does not replace the direct relationship between the patient and health professionals.

In no case, the information and services offered are likely to replace a consultation, a medical examination or a diagnosis made by a doctor, or can not be interpreted as a guarantee of promotion of medicines.

Therefore, you should not use them to make a diagnosis, determine a treatment, take or stop taking a medication, without first consulting a general practitioner or a specialist.

You acknowledge that the information made available to you is neither complete nor exhaustive, and that it does not cover all the symptoms, medications and treatments appropriate to the pathologies and various everyday ailments that interest you.

Furthermore, Hippocratic Generation's applications do not guarantee in any way the results after applying the information and services offered.

More precisely, the results you obtain from the various questionnaires offered are only informative and do not presuppose the quality of your current and/or future health condition or, on the contrary, may not compromise your health condition.

Consequently, you acknowledge that Hippocratic Generation cannot be held responsible for the information and services offered in the applications, and you accept that the use of these applications is carried out under your sole and entire responsibility, control and direction.

Applicable law

The applications, sites and other platforms of HIPPOCRATIC GENERATION and its legal notices are subject to Portuguese law.