1 - Approach to rotation diet

Identify the foods that cause acne symptoms. Relieve the symptoms and have a better comfort of life. Gradually reintroduce foods to build tolerance. Learn more about your body's reaction to food // acne treatment You have so far stopped gluten, dairy and other high GI products for one month.

1 - Approach to rotation diet

2 - Follow the rotation diet

The main goal of this diet is to reduce the consumption of pro-acne foods that you have been eating often, almost every day, twice a week or less. // acne treatment The main purpose of this diet is to find out which frequently consumed food(s) trigger your acne.

2 - Follow the rotation diet

3 - Food associations

The basic principle: avoid toxic mixtures for the intestines by dissociating proteins and starches // acne treatment Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said that you should not mix foods that are at war with each other in the digestive system.

3 - Food associations
4 - The foundations of a balanced diet